Automated UV Sanitizer-PRABHA.
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Powered Air Purifier Respirator .
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SELF– E : Self Driving Wheelchair.
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N96 Nano-Mask .
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Amrita Spandanam .
A low-cost, low-power wearable ECG-monitoring monitoring framework that utilizes wireless body sensors, mobile phones and web browsers for monitoring cardiac patients who are in remote areas.

Remote Patient Monitoring System.
A low cost patient monitoring system indented for the hospitals, clinics, primary and community health centres, private practitioners in rural areas, disaster areas and can even be used by the patient as a wearable device.
Amrita Spandanam Healthcare App .
Amrita Spandanam mobile app works in conjunction with the Amrita Spandanam wearable health monitoring device. The Amrita Spandanam app helps in monitoring users critical health parameters such as BP, Sugar, Blood Oxygen levels, Heart rate, ECG etc. The parameters are transmitted to the central server in real-time. These parameters can be accessed by you and your doctor in real-time.
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Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Glucose Biosensor and Glucometer .
Diabetes mellitus is a public health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Commercially available glucose sensors are enzyme based and has serious drawbacks like insufficient long-term stability, which originates from the intrinsic nature of the enzymes. This nonenzymatic glucose sensor strip overcomes the drawbacks of the commercially available counterparts by replacing the enzyme with metal oxalate nanoparticles. The product has successfully passed pre-compliance testing and is currently undergoing clinical trials

A Lab-on-a-chip for Simultaneous Detection of Glucose, Cholesterol and Creatinine.
A lab-on-a-chip device for the detection of cholesterol, creatinine, and glucose was successfully fabricated and tested. A three-stage fabrication process was developed for bonding the electrodes with the PDMS microfluidic channels. Sensors for cholesterol, glucose, and creatinine were integrated with microfluidic channels. Molecules such as ascorbic acid, urea, uric acid, and dopamine had negligible interference on detection of cholesterol, creatinine, and glucose. The sensors were also found to be free from cross interference. Physiological glucose, creatinine, and cholesterol concentrations were successfully measured in the LOC device. The LOC was integrated with the indigenously developed electronic meter and the integrated POCT device was tested successfully. The results obtained were successfully transferred to a smartphone using Bluetooth

Lab-on-a-chip Device for Medium Throughput Analysis.
The current trend towards biomedical device development focuses on mass screening in an affordable way. In order to screen a large population to initiate treatment at an early stage, it is necessary to have a system which can process a large number of samples and is capable of providing results in a reliable, economical and accurate manner. Towards this, a platform device for the simultaneous detection of 10 samples was designed and developed. The developed device was successfully used to monitor the glucose level of 10 different individuals simultaneously.

Microhematocrit Centrifuge.
A simple, handheld battery powered microhematocrit centrifuge was fabricated and used for the testing of anemia and sensing of protein and glucose. The device was demonstrated as an anemia reader by calculating the hemoglobin levels from the hematocrit levels obtained by the centrifuge. The plasma extracted by the system was found to have very high purity and used for the colorimetric estimation of protein and electrochemical estimation of glucose. For the colorimetric assay, a strategy for accurate sample dispensing and mixing has been developed using capillary tubes. The hemoglobin estimated was compared with that of the results obtained from clinical labs and found in good agreement.

Automated and Programmable Electromagnetically Actuated Valves for Microfluidic Applications.
Valves are an indispensable component for the development of an automated device as they play a vital role in controlling and manipulating fluid flow. An array of programmable, easy-to-fabricate, low-cost valves for microfluidic applications was fabricated based on electromagnetic actuation. The sequential flow of fluids is achieved by automating the powering of an array of the solenoids one-by-one which causes the valve membrane to deflect sequentially.

Real Time Location System (RTLS) and Health Care Products.
A low cost Real-Time Location Solution (RTLS) for tracking people and assets and gaining real time information on the status of the assets, people and workflows.

BLE Operated UV Disinfectant Box.
Box has UV – C lamps which uses the UV- band to disinfect the products exposed to it. The UV Lamps based disinfection unit can be used in Homes/Retail/Offices conveniently within 20 minutes. It kills 99.99% Germs when used for the recommended time. Special material used in the unit reflects light ensuring almost uniform disinfection over the objects. Auto cut off of the UV Lamps if the door is opened while the unit is functioning making it safe for human use.

Sanitizer Dispenser 2L & 8L.
The touchless hand disinfection machine is designed to nebulae hand sanitiser (liquid type)and provide an automatic dosage of the drop, which enables a quick and easy hand disinfection and eliminates cross contamination, achieving optimal hand hygiene. Contactless dispensers optimize the sanitiser consumption using advanced Ultrasonic sensor control technique. Automatic Dispensers use innovative ultrasonic technology to detect your hands under dispenser and release the right amount of sanitiser.